
Saturday, October 29, 2005


Guess who let the propane tank run out?


At least there’s plenty of firewood. I went and gathered up an armload of kindling a few minutes ago, just picking sticks up off the manor grounds, and didn’t even make a dent in the supply.

At this rate, Jimmy Carter and I will be swapping sweaters. That wouldn’t be a bad thing... if we’d listened to the man, the country wouldn’t be in the fix we’re in now.


  1. Austin, the houses in Michigan at least are insulated better, and full basements make a pretty good heatsink. We're managing with a glassed-in fireplace at the moment; it’s touching freezing at worst right now.

    Sally, yeah, I'm not looking forward to seeing how much the gas refill is going to be. This rack of poplar we have is OK, it tends to burn hot & fast and not leave much ash or coals — we need to burn it up anyway; it's been drying for a couple of years and now it's pretty buggy.

  2. Didn't you run out of propane last year too? You're suppose to learn from your mistakes. :)


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