
Sunday, July 16, 2006

The No DSL Blues

Awhell came out and fixed our noisy phone lines yesterday, but the line technician must have goobered the DSL at the same time. A call to customer support got a promise for someone to come out... tomorrow.

Daughter Dearest is having net.withdrawal symptoms, and I’m glomming an open wireless network after dropping M.A.E. off at her work.


  1. Hi FARfetched. I haven't gone through the no DSL yet, but I remember before I got on the net how bad it was when the cable went out.

    How did our ancestors survive by just talking? :)

  2. I think they played cards. I'm not sure how that worked, not having a display to show them (let alone a mouse to move them around)... unless they actually used the ones printed on, you know, paper! (shudder)


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