
Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Flowering trees

Flowering treeMore sproing! — these are trees at a nearby church. There are similar trees in a traffic island on the way to work; I was going to grab a shot of those last week from the motorcycle, but the light turned green before I had a chance.

If anyone is keeping score, I took this one with the cellphone… the light was strong enough that I felt confident about getting something usable.


  1. Hey Far! Great photo! Bet it smells good there, eh? Can't wait for sping to come here! We're still wading through 4 feet of snow! No wonder, I have cabin fever sooo bad. ha! ha! Is that dogwood?

    Thanks, yooper

  2. Darn, lost my comment.

    I can't believe the photos you take w/ that camera phone FAR, it's fantastic! :D

  3. That's a pretty nice, clear cellphone photo, Far. We're only just seeing some crocus flowers now.

  4. Yooper, I think it's a Bradford Pear or something similar — flowering, but not fruiting. The dogwoods here always bloom on or around April 1, so they've got a week to go. They actually started opening up a little early last year, judging from what I posted a year ago.

    Olivia, if you click for the larger view you'll see where the flower just to right of center got completely blown out — not a lot of latitude to work with there — but yeah, when you start with good lighting it seems to do OK. ;-)

  5. Hey Boran, you snuck in on me!

    The pansies are doing well here too, being cool-weather flowers I'm not surprised. Looking at the post I linked to above, it was a lot warmer one year ago today. I just hope we don't get a repeat of the heavy cold snap we got in the middle of April last year.

    Off to work on taxes…

  6. Hello oliva! Really enjoy your photography! Suppose you do art fairs too, eh? They're really starting to slip here in Michigan.

    Hey Far, checked that link out. You kinda live in the woods? I'm actually looking foward to doing a little yard work, maybe buzz up some firewood from dead standing hardwood. Of couse this has to happen before, "bug season" ha!ha!

    Thanks yooper

  7. Hey there FAR, and gang ...
    No flowering trees here yet, but the snowdrops and crocus are a poppin (see the blog for more) every day we get some sun... In for a couple more cloudy/rainy days here in the 40s but at least no imminent threats of more snow. I'm looking forward to the magnolias and the redbuds here myself! And yeah, no more March/April cold snaps here again! It ruined our bulb show last year, so hoping for much better this year ....

  8. Yooper, on the edge of the woods but it's pretty rural out here. Our old place is *in* the woods. I know what you mean about bug season… believe it or not, I've been getting bug splats on my motorcycle already! There's still some trees to cut up, but Mrs. Fetched's mom pretty much has her guy cut up the trees that fall on the fence & all we have to do is bring it home. :-) And split some of it, of course. My go-devil handle broke so I need to fix that pronto.

    IVG, I saw those shots — and you're getting a new camera too! W00T! The coldest it gets here, in the extended forecast, is about 45… so maybe we're past the winter stuff. Maybe.

  9. Hey Far! The "boyz" are starting to gather once again over at (BNB) and remember, that I'd let you know if that ever happened again. It would sure be an honor to have you sitting at this fine table, putting you're two cents worth in. Not only is a person of you're caliber, experience and perspective needed over there, maybe you can keep me in line, eh? ha! ha! Hope you can join in, it's just getting started........

    Thanks, yooper

  10. Oh, btw, you won't be alone over there, you'll soon discover "old friends" that you'll be matching wits with in a new format...

    Thanks, yooper

  11. Thanks Yooper, I'll give that a look-over this evening/weekend. We had friends over last night so I didn't get online at all. They left, I went to bed.


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