
Thursday, October 02, 2008

Mid-Week Cinema

This one’s too important to wait for Friday…

I hope nobody actually needed to see this, but just in case!


  1. LOL, FAR...
    Saw this several days ago at HuffPo and loved it. I was a bit dubious at first (given the celebrity-tude), but it won me over. Which reminds me, we have early voting going on here now, so Fernymoss and I need to get down to the county auditor's office and get the deed done. Not like we have to make up our minds or anything, lol. The Obama yard sign and car magnets are on their way as I speak...

  2. Yeah, we have early voting here too. I'll get to it sometime before Nov. 4, I suppose.

    I want to put up a series of hand-lettered yard signs:

    Billions for Wall St.
    We get the bill
    Kick Saxby Chambliss
    Off Capitol Hill!
    [Jim Martin yard sign]


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