
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Phylicia Rashad Concert

Daughter Dearest has sang at the Planet Georgia Governor’s Mansion, Dizzy World, Universal Studios… and now she’s appeared on stage with a genuine diva… but as she describes Ms. Rashad, a very nice, down-to-earth one.

Daughter Dearest and Phylicia Rashad

DD is on the top row on the right.

I gave the 50mm f1.8 lens a real workout Sunday afternoon — this is the kind of thing I bought it for, indoor venues where flash is prohibited — and it performed quite well. To my surprise, it wasn’t wide enough to catch the entire stage, so I did a little stitching work in Photoshop:

Entire ensemble (wide)

Click on it to get something you’ll have to scroll across to see all of. The original file, at 240dpi, is about 3 feet wide.


  1. Nice work on the panorama shot! I like.

  2. Thanks, David. It helped having those large black areas in the background…

  3. Very cool panoramic, Far. Must have been a great concert to attend, too. :)

  4. Congratulations to DD! You did a nice job on the stitching, Far.

  5. Wow -- congrats to DD! And nice job FAR capturing that ... fantastic shots! (How kewl!)

  6. Hey guys!

    Maria, it was good. Her high school chorus performed at college-level, but this college is another step up. ;-)

    Boran, Olivia, I'll pass your congratses on to DD. I'm sure she'll appreciate them, if she hasn't seen them already.

  7. Hey FAR,
    I didn't even know PR was a singer (tells you how much I know)! Cool that DD got to get on stage at such a venue. Give her my congrats as well and best wishes for finishing out her first year away from the Manor!

    Cool panorama too! It's going to be quite some time before I get to that level (if ever)!

  8. Hiya FAR,

    Congrats to DD. She should be proud of herself, and I know you and Mrs. Fetch are proud of her.

    I agree with everyone on the pictures and the stitching. You did a great job.

    Take care.

  9. IVG, Ms. Rashad is a multi-talented individual. I think her stint on The Cosby Show was a departure from her usual stage work, in fact.

    FM, thanks much on both counts — and good to see you around again!


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