
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Random Grumbles

The feed truck came late last night, so no cannibal chickens this go-around. Whew!

Came home from work, no dinner as usual… even though Mrs. Fetched said she was going to fix something. Maybe we’ll eat at home tomorrow.

We didn’t find out until Sunday night, but some time after the Easter service, DoubleRed checked herself into the hospital and was diagnosed with diabetes. We started seeing some warning signs Thursday or Friday evening, and mentioned it to her then. Her glucose reading was somewhere north of 600… really bad, but not coma-inducing bad. I told her last night that she should get together with The Boy to learn everything she shouldn’t do.

This morning at work, I got another email of the “this cable is the wrong color again” variety. I’m sure the seagull manager behind the last two installments of Programmers. Argh. is directing his people to nitpick everything at every opportunity, and I was getting rather exercised… then he followed up with “and the part number is wrong,” which actually defused me. You see, I’d explicitly requested that part number and edited it in when I got it, so I knew at that point he was looking at the wrong version. I told him as much, and included the right docs with a “here they are again” (since I sent them last week). Then my new boss got a query, and asked me if it was fixed; I told him the same thing and didn’t hear from him after that. I know I’m getting older, because I’m getting ever less patient with this kind of crap.

Taxes are done, woo-hoo! We have a far too large refund coming back this year, because Mrs. Fetched didn’t bring in a lot with her video stuff, and Daughter Dearest contributed mightily by both capsizing her mom’s farm truck and bringing in a large tuition credit. The refund will mostly go to covering her college expenses for next year.

Well… I should have said our taxes are done: Mrs. Fetched volunteered me to do a bunch of other peoples’ as well… including Jimmy Last-Minute, who did better last year but has gone right back to dumping a bunch of incomplete info on me at the 11th hour. I printed him out an extension form for him to sign in the morning, with a list of info I needed (and an admonishment to get it to me sooner next year). The Evil Twins’ parents are another, but they know they’re on the hook for an extension anyway and theirs should be fairly simple.

If it wasn’t already bed time, I’d have another beer.


  1. Hey FAR,
    Glad there were no cannibal chickens! That's got to be a relief, otherwise I can imagine that incinerator going full time....

    Sorry about the work BS ... I'm very familiar with that kind of crap, and guess I'm old too because I have no patience for that telling people over and over when I should just say, "Did you read the email that I sent on X at X time? The answer is there." My other beef these days is being interrupted and told I'm wrong before I can finish my sentence ... grrr. Or are these simply side effects of the anxiety producing times we're going through now? I used to be such a patient person ... LOL!

  2. I used to be more patient too. I think it's a) creeping age; b) all the work & life crap without any visible return.

  3. Best wishes to DoubleRed.

    A tax refund! I haven't gotten one in many a year. Enjoy it!

  4. Thanks, Boran. She's coping well.

    I keep my withholding cranked up fairly high to cover profits Mrs. Fetched makes, but the last two years it's been mighty thin… and that's why our returns tend to be large.

  5. Hmmm, Far. I asked you, "what would we do without industrial farming?" You replied , "Maybe eat better?"...

    Again, I must ask you (I think for the second time), what is the difference between industrial chickens and industrial people?

    Thanks, yooper

  6. Hmmm, Far. I asked you, "what would we do without industrial farming?" You replied , "Maybe eat better?"...

    Well, maybe you would eat better, however you WOULD NOT..

    "Taxes are done, woo-hoo! We have a far too large refund coming back this year, because Mrs. Fetched didn’t bring in a lot with her video stuff, and Daughter Dearest contributed mightily by both capsizing her mom’s farm truck and bringing in a large tuition credit. The refund will mostly go to covering her college expenses for next year."

    Better think, my friend, exactly what you're worried about around the farm and how that might pertain to you and your family...

    Just saying, (perhaps for your sake).... yooper

  7. Hmmm, Far. I asked you, "what would we do without industrial farming?" You replied , "Maybe eat better?"...

    Why do you do me (and the rest of us who buy chicken at a store), a favor and quit the chicken business?

    Your my friend Far, but I think you're WAY off base here? Just ask'en... Perhaps, you can enlighten me?

  8. Hey Yooper… I was thinking about the quality of product from industrial farming, rather than the quantity. It's not just chicken I was thinking of; the e.coli and salmonella contaminations of various food products (and even "whole" foods like spinach) certainly don't help. Industrial meat tends to be more fatty as well, IIRC.

    I don't remember you asking what the difference is between industrial chickens & industrial people… there could be a number of answers to that, most of them not terribly serious. One more serious answer is that industrial chickens are the result of an overt breeding/genetic engineering program. You might claim the same is happening to industrial humans, but if true it's covert. Thanks to regulations (and trial lawyers), mass slaughter of industrial people is a rare event.

    As for the other parts, I'm not sure what you're driving at? I seem to have accidentally hit a nerve here.

  9. Really, I thought you were being humorous. Would you really want to eat chicken that was eating other chickens? I don't think I would… in fact, I seriously considered not posting that article for that reason.

  10. Oh! Not a problem Far, just the booze speak'en last night! ha!

  11. LOL Yooper, BWI (Blogging While Inebreated) can be dangerous!


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