
Friday, October 12, 2012

White Pickups Blog Tour!

One of the benefits of joining a publishing co-op is that I get a lot of help with promotion. Oh, did I not mention that? I’ve joined a publishing co-op! It’s a very new thing, and we’re all still feeling our way forward, but we’re all pooling our not-writing skills, so everyone benefits.

Once we really get going, I think we’ll have a top-notch operation, and be able to match or beat anyone on quality.

Blog tour. I was talking about a blog tour. Yes, White Pickups is taking an online road trip of its own…

It’s amazing how quickly this all came together. I had to blast out four guest-blog posts in a week, and of course the one that came first was the absolute hardest one to do. But meanwhile, Angela Kulig, the marketing expert at Green Envy Press, was lining up tour stops and had time to throw together a short video. Check it out…

There’s goodies to be won! In addition to an eBook copy or two of White Pickups, there’s a slew of other books from some of the other Green Envy Press authors in the pile. So here’s a list of the wonderful bloggers who are helping out:

Oct 12th:
Oct 14th:
Oct 15th:
Oct 16th:
Oct 17th:
Oct 18th:
Oct 19th:
Oct 20th:

You’ll get to read guest posts, the “craziest interview ever,” and other fun things, so don’t forget to follow that truck!

And now… the Rafflecopter giveaway! Rafflecopter giveaway Don’t forget to enter, there’s plenty of good stuff to win!


  1. Good luck with the blog tour and co-op, Larry! She put together a very slick video for all of you.

    Kulig has three books coming out in the Fall? Are they very short, or...?

  2. Yay! I look forward to reading the tour posts.

    The co-op sounds like a wonderful idea.

  3. Thanks, John! One of the three has been a lady-in-waiting for a couple years now, and another is a novella. But she can blast out verbiage like nobody's business, with FIVE kids underfoot. I was joking that Angela and NaNoWriMo would go something like this: "Well, that's 50,000 words. What do I do for the *next* three weeks?"

    Katherine, I'm really excited about the co-op. There's lots of stuff about to happen, and I'm hoping that Pickups and Pestilence will make a big splash next spring…

  4. Good luck with the blog tour and the co-op - loved the video!

  5. This is wonderful, Larry! Best of luck!

  6. Nice video! Thank you for the contest. I am looking forward to reading White Pickups. The person who wins the contest is going to be one very happy reader! :) I originally found your info on Totally love her books!

  7. Thanks all!

    Laura, I'm proud to say that SM Reine did my cover art. ;-)

  8. I'm glad things are going so well in this regard, Larry...been working toward this for while now.

    (and yes I entered lol)

  9. Larry - Thanks for choosing me as the winner! Sorry that it has taken my a bit to thank you! I started your book immediately and just got caught up in it. I noticed that the setting for your book is Laurel Hills and my name is Laura Hill, Coincidence?! :)


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I have comment moderation on for posts over a week old, but that’s so I’ll see them.

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