
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Indie Life/Writing Wibbles

Welcome, Indie Lifers, to the free-range insane asylum! I have a short post this month, but I hope some of you find it valuable. Don’t forget to hit the linky at the end, and see what other indies have to say about their travails, triumphs, and tips this month.

As writers, you know the value of beta readers, right? They’re the people you trust to tell you what isn’t working in your WIP, and why it isn’t working. And often, they call upon you to do the same for them. My upcoming release, Water and Chaos, is the second story in the Accidental Sorcerers series, and the beta round gave me a lot of heartburn. It was necessary heartburn, but I haven’t had a story chewed on quite this thoroughly before.

But… haha… that’s not what this post is about. Beta readers are important, not only when you write your story, but when you write the synopsis. The way I do it is to propose several different blurbs and loglines, as I did two weeks ago, then put them all up for a vote. I try to tweet it and plug it on Google+ to get some traction, then post the results.

The whole point of beta readers is to get people to point out things you’re not aware of, simply because you’re too close to the story. I had a fair amount of feedback, not all of it on the blog—I got some votes on Twitter, and a couple on another blog I frequent. It was there that I was made aware of a word that is often offensive—and to people I really want on my side, no less. Some say (not sure if I agree) that your cover gets people to read your blurb, and your blurb is what closes the sale. If (if) it’s true, then you don’t want to burn down the market, huh?

So when you go looking for that all-important feedback, don’t forget to get some feedback and suggestions on your blurb.

How do you get your blurb to attract attention?

Thanks for reading, and check out some of the other Indie Life writers this week!


  1. I'm beginning to think, I misdirected my cover artist on my own cover. Hmmm...may re-do when the second book is finished since I've got a shoe theme going.

    Hugs and chocolate,

  2. I need to get back to my blurb and get some feedback on it. I like to approach it the same way I do my stories and like you said: get others to look at it. My blurbs tend to go through about as many edits as the story it goes with.

  3. Trying out your blurb with beta readers is a great idea! I'd have to write one sooner, though. I'm always SO bad about that. :)

  4. Thanks for sharing this post. I think a lot of people overlook getting feedback on the blurb. I about tore my hair out working on my novel's blurb before my brilliant boyfriend said, "why don't you post it on that critique site you go on." Genius. Why didn't I think of that?

  5. Thanks, all!

    Shelly, I think shoes could be a versatile way to do cover art. The type of shoes, any stains or spatters, could all help to tell the story. BTW, did you do an Indie Life post this month? I looked through your blogs & didn't see it.

    Patricia, I think my blurbs go through (book edit#)-1 edits.

    JR, some advocate STARTING with the blurb! I can't do that, because I often don't know what direction the story's going in until I've written a fourth of it. :-P

    Stephanie, that's just a reminder that you can't do this all on your own! I'm a big advocate of getting a good team behind you & letting them do their jobs.


Comments are welcome, and they don't have to be complimentary. I delete spam on sight, but that's pretty much it for moderation. Long off-topic rants or unconstructive flamage are also candidates for deletion but I haven’t seen any of that so far.

I have comment moderation on for posts over a week old, but that’s so I’ll see them.

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