
Thursday, August 13, 2015

Big V's Scary Week

As some of you remember, my nutty one-legged sister in law is diabetic. And she’s never been the most stable isotope on the periodic table. Most of that side of the family have an amazingly high clue-immunity… you can see where this is leading. The reason she’s one-legged is that she doesn’t take care of herself very well, refuses to adjust her high-carb diet to accommodate the diabetes, etc. Lately, her continued avoidance of reality has taken its toll on her kidneys.

Sunday afternoon, she checked into the hospital to get hookups for dialysis. It was supposed to be a two-night thing, including her first dialysis. As usual, her body chemistry had to get un-whacked by a day or so of decent diet before they were comfortable doing the surgery. So that happened on Monday. Everything sailed right on through, no problem. I visited her on the way home from work, since the office is about a mile from that hospital.

The “fun” began Tuesday morning. Her blood pressure started dropping, and continued to drop, to the point where they thought she was in cardiac arrest and started doing chest compressions. The head nurse, who dropped by when the wife met me there in the evening, said “you scared the crap out of me.” She remembers Big V saying I can’t die, I have to take care of Skylar. And perhaps that’s the only reason she’s still here to annoy the rest of us. :-P

Needless to say, the two-nighter dragged on another day or two. They rolled the dialysis machine into her room and hooked her in… and her numbers responded very well. So well, in fact, they were in the normal range after the second dialysis. They ended up unhooking her and sent her home late last night. No more dialysis! That’s a very good thing, because guess who would be taking her down there? (wife, not me)

Now, if she gets her act together and starts eating right, she'll stay reasonably healthy. And I’ll be watching for flying pigs…


  1. Uff, glad it was a happy ending to the episode. I've had (note past tense) friends who are (note present tense) diabetic, and I know they don't always realise everyone else they know is on the roller coaster with them.

  2. Well, I'm glad it ended well, the the real problem is her and her lack of taking responsibility for her condition and herself. What can you say.....

  3. I really hope everything works okay for your sister in law from now on.

  4. Katherine, yup, we're pretty much ready to cut her off ourselves… but we need to move far far away first!

    Helen, that's exactly the problem. If she had the self-discipline to eat properly, she could walk around, she wouldn't be half-blind, and she wouldn't have all these other problems. Let's just hope the kidneys working wasn't just a blip.

    Cindy, I really hope she gets a better outlook. Things would work okay for her.


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