
Monday, August 03, 2015

Home Sweet Hole

It was too much to ask, vacation going on forever. Every time we head home, it seems like there’s some “reason” to get there in a mad rush. This time, it was Fizzle needing to pick up his kids for back to school shopping.

I did get to see Dad one more time Friday morning, and that was fruitful. I realized, from the things he talks about, that he’ll remember something that makes an impression on him. Like the old lady on his floor that came walking into his room and tried to make herself at home. “This is my space,” he said, circling a hand around the room. “She thought she could just come in here. Well, I showed her the door.” Then there was the nurse who woke him up one morning and got him down to breakfast: “She seems to think she knows everything, but she doesn’t.” He also remembered her as… oh, rather hefty. So chances are if you rile him up, he’ll remember that!

Now that we’re back to the manor, it’s about time to start school. Michigan has a much more reasonable schedule, letting people have their summer so they don’t have to rush vacation and lose all of August. Here on Planet Georgia, Daughter Dearest is already going in to prep and socialize with her co-workers; Mason starts kindergarten on Friday.

As for me, it’s back to work. I weeded my email from home yesterday afternoon, leaving only things I needed to take action on today and the rest of the week. At least we have another week off in September.


  1. Vacation always ends too soon, but it's also nice to be back home and the routine.

  2. Well, I could have put up with being gone for another week. Or month. :-P

  3. Ah if only vacations could go on forever - I haven't had one for 4 years now because of the diabetic cat, gets too stressed out if put into cattery - but we love him and will do till the end of his days. Glad you had a nice time.

  4. Glad you had a good vacation and glad you got home safely. Now you've got another year to look forward to another vacation. Ain't life grand! :-)

  5. And now it's Labor Day just like that! Time flies.


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