
Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Mason Says Farewell to Kindergarten

Mason’s first year of school is drawing to a close. Yesterday, the kindergarten classes had their “graduation” ceremony.

In which Mason gets a hug, from the principal of the thing. :-P

He has made quite a few strides this year. He reads now, and he’s always been good with numbers. He doesn’t know it just yet, but he has a couple of graduation “presents” waiting for him tonight: his own writing/drawing journal, and the second Dragonbreath book. He always complains when packages arrive from Amazon and they’re not for him… at least the one coming in today is partly for him.

Wife’s birthday is tomorrow, Mason’s last day of school is Friday, DD’s wedding is Saturday, and I think I missed the 11th blogiversary day for TFM. This week is going to be crazier than usual. At least Thing #1 (the graduation) is over.


  1. You're up for a busy week! Have fun.

  2. Yay Mason! That's great he's into books. I'm off to learn about Dragonbreath -- the title alone sounds up Niece the Elder's alley.

  3. Yay Mason! That's great he's into books. I'm off to learn about Dragonbreath -- the title alone sounds up Niece the Elder's alley.

  4. Patricia, it has only just begun…

    Katherine, the books are pretty funny so far, but a little boy-centric.


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