
Wednesday, May 02, 2018

Charlie Talks to the Birds

I had Charlie out in the gazebo Sunday evening, because he likes to be outside and I wanted him to see the low beach chair I found in the garage for him. He saw it, gave me a big grin, and sat in it for a long time.

Soon enough, he got up and played on his slide a little… then he heard the birds. They chirped, he squeaked… and I was thinking, “Is he doing what I think he’s doing?” Yup. I got video. You might have to turn the sound up a little; I boosted it as much as I could, though.

Sometimes, the normal FAR Manor weird gets delightfully weird…


  1. Cool! So he can imitate sounds, and sign words... I think you might be right about the not talking until he can put complete sentences together thing.

  2. Katherine, I keep hoping that's the case. He almost said "up" the other day, one of his favorite words.

    John, it's hilariously cute.


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