
Wednesday, October 24, 2018

The World's Cutest Pirate 2.0

Six years ago, Mason was the world’s cutest pirate.

Well, Charlie has to try to do everything Mason does, so…

The kids at church did a “reverse trick or treat” (in which the kids dropped off treats for the seniors) at a local assisted living center over the weekend, which explains the background. Charlie, of course, charmed many of the residents with his sunny disposition and curiosity. I was surprised that he mostly kept the headscarf on.

His granddad is still ready to plunder some booty, if he gets the chance…


  1. Awwww, he is adorable.

  2. Ain't he, though, Patricia? :D

    John, the grocers call him Charlie the Breadnosher, and they tremble to hear him coming…


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