
Saturday, December 19, 2020

Charlie hangs

We finally got going with the decorations last night. Once again, Mason went under the stairs to eject boxes (and wish he could turn that space into a gaming cave). We put up the tree… and handed some shatterproof ornaments to Charlie.

Charlie puts ornaments on our tree
Hang 'em up (as high as possible)

Charlie seems to have gotten past the “slap 'em off” stage faster than Mason did. Still, we put the breakable ones up higher. Mason is able to reach nearly to the top (we still had to put the star on), so not everything got put on the lower half. He refers to the tree as the “ho ho tree.”

We’re not doing much outside, but we’ll hang some lights on the gazebo because we have power to it.

What’s your decorating status? Comments are open!


  1. We got the tree up and decorated right after Thanksgiving while my oldest was still here. We put a string of lights in the front window and I have a cube shaped lamp I put one of those flame led bulbs in and set that in the front window too. I don't dare put lights outside with our ancient electrical system yet.

  2. Sounds good. I had to put an outdoor outlet on the front of the house a couple years ago, so we could run lights to the gazebo. It also helps if we do more lights outside.

  3. I have a tree, which is about all I ever do ;). Sometimes I put a wreath on the side of the house.

    This year, we have a new kitten who is terrorizing the decorations and the lower branches of the tree. It's going to be fun vacuuming up the needles for about another week, and then, the tree is going out in the backyard for the wildlife to enjoy ;).

  4. Sounds good! Does your tree still have its roots, or is the wildlife enjoyment temporary?


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