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Saturday, February 17, 2007

Good News, Bad News

Bad news first. Things at work have been absolutely crazy the last week or so. Trying to catch up, I brought a couple of projects home with me that are getting down to the wire. I managed to finish the first one this afternoon; trying to decide whether I want to do more than poke at the second one tonight.

The good news is that the documentation projects have rescued me from a weekend of chicken house duty. Given a choice between the two, I’ll take the work work any day.

We have snow flurries outside, and a good fire inside. Stay warm. Family Man, do some extra slacking for me tomorrow….


  1. FARfetched I would have been happy to slack for you, but at that time I had plenty of family here and I needed all the slack time I could get. :)

  2. Ah, rats. I guess I'll just have to have a good stiff drink — not a perfect slack replacement, but it's better than nothing.


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